Dear Bound4LIFE Gadsden,
A possible miracle is breaking as we speak in Washington DC. If you recall, on my visit, our senator, Jess Sessions’ office issued the director of Bound4LIEF and me special passes to the Supreme Court confirmation hearings. These passes were not attained by the general public and even Shelby’s office could not give them to me. Sessions is the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Matt Lockett, Bound4LIEF director, and I believe now we were there on special assignment.
As we sat in that heading praying and watching, joining with your prayers here, and other prayers across the nation, much was happening in DC. The night before, Americans United for Life had uncovered even more disturbing info on Kagan regarding her advising Clinton on partial-birth abortion. If you recall, I sent you a link to this picture:!/photo.php?pid=4340864&id=757878117
As Kagan was questioned about partial-birth abortion and whether she deceived people on this procedure, we sat where my Life Band was positioned over her head the entire time. We declared this as a prophetic act, but I think even I felt it was more prophetic in the sense it was declaring the WILL of God more than anything. LIFE! LIFE TO THE COURT! LIFE OVER KAGAN.
Today news broke. AUL had prepared a 54-page report on Kagan’s duplicity and took that report to OUR Senator. Our Senator called for an investigation into whether Kagan’s answer THAT DAY AS WE SAT PRAYING WITH THE LIFE BAND OVER HER HEAD were actually perjuring herself.
I am not sure how much you know about Supreme Court nominees but it’s a rare thing for a nominee to get this far in the process and then to have anything happen. Sessions has stood for LIFE throughout this and yesterday got the vote extended a week due to some other matters with her, but accusations of perjury could cast an unrecoverable shadow on her. These accusations are founded in truth and supported with documents. She has not yet been voted on.
We can stop this! We didn’t know if we could or not but we knew we were called to pray. Still, even among our team, we felt unless something happened it was a done deal.
Something happened.
We need to focus our prayers on this issue. God has opened an unbelievable opportunity for the church.
I wrote this article today for Bound4LIEF. If you have a moment would you read it and pray? (it contains links if you missed today’s news)
In this for LIFE,
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