Job did not unfailingly trust and believe that God would
bring him through. He wanted to and always thought he would. Job had a heart after God.
Yet, no matter what Job said it did not move God. He was losing everything even his health. What is going on? Was probably a daily thought.
Yet, no matter what Job said it did not move God. He was losing everything even his health. What is going on? Was probably a daily thought.
He listed his attributes, his accomplishments, his successes,
yet, God did not want that. Job begged, cried, bargained, and then in Chapter
13 he humbles himself before his God, believing, trusting and humbly he states,
“though God slay me. Yet I’ll trust Him”!
Again, later we find that his faith has grown weak and Job
starts speaking doubtfully. It shows his concern that after all this time God
has not delivered him.
How many of us have a thought cross our mind such as, “I have
done all that I have been instructed to do, so why am I still sick or why am I
still broke”? “Where are you God”?
Again and again Job’s words go from justifying himself to
debasing himself; questioning God or praising Him. Imagine my puzzlement when I
started reading about Job and everything I ever heard about this man was all
good, he did not doubt, he trusted the Lord explicitly. I find he had questions!
Scripture tells us that even Job’s
friend Elihu said this : Job 35:16 Therefore doth Job open his mouth in vain;
he multiplieth words without knowledge.
Can you imagine the state of mind / turmoil this man was in?
Most of us have only heard about the Job that trusted God impeccably without
question. I don’t hear much preaching about the process it took to get Job
there. And it is a process.
We do not instantly become righteous and humble. There are
tests and trials that strengthen us or breaks us. If you are unwilling to go
through the process, you will never overcome the temptations of this world. Job
went through the refiner’s fire and came out of the process victorious and
better than he was before, richer than before, with unfailing trust and faith in God!
I encourage you to read the book of Job. It may seem
confusing at first. The back and forth with his family, friends and himself
but, stick with it and you will find that there is a process.
Minister Anna Fugatt

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