Monday, February 07, 2011


 Psalms 119:11  Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.

Thy WORD is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.  Psalms 119:105 

There is a key to these scriptures.........STUDY

2Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

To hide God's Word in your heart, you have to study it. To follow the lighted path that God has for you - you have to study. To be a workman that is not ashamed and is rightly dividing the Word of truth.....YOU HAVE TO STUDY the WORD. Not any word, not any book, not any teaching but the express divinely inspired WORD OF GOD.

As I began to write this blog I first put "hide thy word in my heart that I might not sin against thee". That is wrongly quoted. I was quoting it wrong. When I went to get the scripture to further promote the topic....I found out that is not what the Word says. Instead of God hiding His Word in my heart...I am to hide His Word in my heart. Me. I cannot do that if I don't study His Word.
I thought I had it right. I thought I was quoting the Word when I was only quoting someone esle's word. Someone I had heard "quote" what I wrote. That is why it is imperative that we study for ourself and not just "quote" another and call it scripture. 
To follow the lighted path that God has for us, we must know the Word or the "light" on our path may not lead us in the right way or direction. As long as I wait for God to "hide his word in me" I am not hiding His Word in me through study. This seems to be the attitude of a lot of people these days....waiting for God to do everything for them. Waiting for a minister, man or woman of God, to do it for them. Looking for the next mega preacher to bring them the Word or a miracle. I have heard so many say "God has got to....". NO HE DON'T! 
God has done His part, all that He can to make it possible for us to live Holy, think Holy, and minister Holy before Him and for Him. His Word tells us "there is no more sacrifice". When Jesus lay down His life to save us....He is the ultimate sacrifice and there is NO MORE to be done. God gave His only begotten Son... Through Jesus, God sent Grace and Mercy to carry us when we mess up. Yet, He REQUIRES that we do our part by first believing that He is, second - repenting, third - STUDY to know God and His ways. If we choose to not do that then we have condemned ourselves. God passes judgments but we determine what that judgment will be. Heaven or Hell.

God bless you all!.

Anna Fugatt

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