I like this article by Wanda Keller so much that I wanted to share it with you: healthy hearts and exercise go hand in hand.
I wonder just how we would look if our physical bodies exemplified the condition of our spiritual side. Would those we see naturally as “beautifully fit” bodies appear as extremely overweight because they have been focusing only on themselves? Have they been selfish? Or what about those we view as “needing to lose a few pounds?” What if we saw them as the perfect physical specimen because they had been doing all of their “spiritual exercises and taking care of their hearts?”
Just what are some spiritual exercises we need to do to keep our hearts healthy?
- The first exercise is a “Deep Knee Bend.” We need to bend our knees and bow in repentance. We realize we are in pretty bad shape if our sins have not been forgiven and we haven’t asked Jesus to be our Savior and Lord. Scripture tells us that every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.
- Sit-ups are our next exercise. We need to sit up and notice those around us and minister to them.
- We must always remember to lift up holy hands in praise and worship to the Lord. We can’t do too much of this exercise!
- Our next exercise involves jumping. Remember to jump for joy instead of jumping to conclusions.
- For a rest break, sit at His feet with Him in heavenly places.
- Now back to exercising. Begin by stretching out of our comfort zones. This may seem difficult but it is well worth the effort. It won’t be long before you see the result of this exercise.
- Run the race with patience; keep your eyes on the prize. Don’t quit! Don’t give up!
- For another rest break, stand still and know that He is God.
- Our next exercise is working in the garden. Sow the seeds of the Word of God and you will reap a great harvest for the Master!
- Pulling and pushing are our next exercise. Remember to pull up to God’s table to feast and push away from our tables to fast.
All of these exercises are important and should be done on a daily basis. Acts 24:16 tells us “And herein do I exercise myself, to have a conscience void of offence toward God, and toward men.” In other words, “I do my level best to keep a clear conscience before God and my neighbors in everything I do.”
After all of this exercise, be sure to get plenty of rest and sleep. Psalm 91:1 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. The Hebrew word for “dwell” means to remain or abide; to dwell in or inhabit. The Hebrew word for “abide” means to spend the night. “He that remains in the secret place of the Most High shall spend the night under the shadow of the Almighty.”
So, now let me ask you, what kind of shape is your spirit-man in? Have you done your exercises today? When you lay your head on your pillow tonight, when there is no one there but you and God, how will you answer this question: Is your conscience clear before God and those around you? If you cannot answer “Yes,” then let’s start back at the beginning and do some “deep knee bends.”
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